When you "bridge" to Troop 189, your Scout will receive his BSA shoulder loops, a BSA green neckerchief and a BSA neckerchief slide. Once you have paid your (re)chartering fees as determined yearly by the Troop Committee, your Scout will receive his Troop hat, his BSA Scout Handbook, his "189" patch and his National Capital Area Council Shoulder Patch. Once your Scout makes Tenderfoot, he will receive a Troop 189 embroidered neckerchief.

Please fill out these forms when joining:

  1. Scout Application,
  2. Scouter Application (one for each parent; permits you to serve as a Committee Member, an Assistant Scoutmaster or a Merit Badge Counselor),
  3. Troop Resource Survey (one for each parent),
  4. Medical form Parts A and B for each Scout and Scouter (Part C of the Medical is required prior to each Summer Camp).


Additional Information

New Scout Orientation


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